
Acupuncture Coquitlam

Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific acupuncture points involving various methods such as penetration by thin needles or application of heat, pressure, or laser light.

Stimulating specific acupuncture points corrects imbalances in the flow of qi (energy) through channels Known as meridians.

Acupuncture can alleviate or reduce pain, improve range of motion, reduce stress, improve the quality of sleep and regulate the autonomic nervous system.

Acupuncture is effective in the treatment of arthritis, headaches and migraine, low back pain, shoulder and elbow pain, whiplash injury and fibromyalgia.

Acupuncture is generally safe when done using clean needle technique. Needles are stainless steel, flexible and single use. Different size of needles is considered for specific body tissues.

Acupuncture is a centuries old Chinese technique that helps patients in a lot of ways. It is based on the theory that energy (chi) flows in the body through various pathways. A sickness occurs when the flow of this energy or chi gets blocked. Acupuncture unblocks chi and balances its flow again to promote health and wellness.

The process of acupuncture involves inserting very thin needles into the body of the patient at certain points and that helps in influencing the energy flow. Sometimes, in complex acupuncture treatments heat or mild electrical current is also used alongside needles.

Unlocking Ancient Wisdom: The Benefits of Acupuncture

Experience the ancient healing art of acupuncture, a time-tested remedy that nurtures your entire being. From soothing everyday discomforts like digestive issues, headaches, and menstrual cramps to providing support for mental and emotional well-being, acupuncture offers a holistic approach to wellness. Whether you’re seeking relief from physical ailments or looking to enhance your overall health, acupuncture gently restores balance and vitality.

Explore the transformative potential of acupuncture and discover its diverse applications. From aiding in stroke rehabilitation to alleviating tennis elbow, myofascial pain, and fibromyalgia, acupuncture offers relief for a wide range of conditions. Embrace the wisdom of centuries past and uncover the secrets to a healthier, happier you with acupuncture as your guide.

For more information on the evidence supporting acupuncture’s effectiveness, visit the World Health Organization’s Acupuncture Evidence Project.

The process

You may feel slight pressure when a needle goes in your skin, but it doesn’t hurt at all. However, the area may get numb, tingle or itch. If you feel any of such symptoms, that is considered to be a good sign as it signifies that the chi gets accessed and the healing process has begun. Your acupuncture practitioner might roll the needle slightly and he may also use mild electrical current on the needles.

At Harmony, we have world class, experienced and licensed acupuncture practitioners who are very well recognized faces in the branch of acupuncture medical science. So, if you are suffering from any of the above mentioned ailments and feel that acupuncture is the right way to go, book your appointment now and our proficient doctors will take good care of you.

One session of acupuncture treatment generally lasts about 45 -60 minutes. You might have to make several visits to Harmony for completing your treatment.

Explore the Healing Art of Cupping

Discover the ancient practice of cupping, a cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Through gentle negative pressure, cupping stimulates blood flow and oxygenates tissues, fostering balance and harmony within the body. Whether addressing acute injuries or chronic conditions, cupping offers versatile relief.
There are two main types of cupping:

1. Flash cupping: Targets specific areas, providing concentrated healing where it’s needed most. This method involves placing suction cups on selected points and quickly removing them to oxygenate and promote more blood flow to all the underlying tissues. Flash cupping is ideal for addressing localized pain, discomfort, chronic tension or repetitive and old injuries.

2. Sliding cupping: covers broader regions in motion, adapting to your unique needs. By moving the cups across the skin surface, this technique promotes circulation and relieves tension over a larger area. Sliding cupping is beneficial for addressing widespread muscle tightness and promoting overall relaxation.

Journey deeper into the holistic benefits of cupping as it harmonizes internal organ function when applied to specific points on the body. Join us in unlocking the secrets of ancient healing and embark on a path to rejuvenation and vitality with cupping as your trusted ally. Embrace the signature of cupping—a gentle discoloration, symbolizing ongoing healing and support for the treated area.

Facial Acupuncture

It takes about 90 minutes.

Facial acupuncture rejuvenates from inside out! It consists of balancing the facial muscles through needling acupuncture points as well as some neuromuscular junction points for addressing deep muscle lines, addressing fine lines with microdermal facial needles altogether to promote collagen production and to bring back vitality and glow to the face. Herbal masks and tinctures are also used to help rejuvenate the skin. It is known to take 10-15 years off of your face after 10 sessions.

EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique)

This form of treatment, often referred to as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or tapping therapy, has been effectively used to address a wide range of issues including emotional problems, chronic pain, and addiction. By tapping on the endpoints of the body’s meridian pathways while simultaneously repeating specific phrases, practitioners and patients work together to release limiting beliefs and disrupt old patterns of disharmony. This process brings the conscious mind into the present moment and focuses attention on the breath, creating a state of awareness where transformative healing and endless possibilities can emerge. By engaging both the physical and mental aspects, this technique promotes holistic well-being and helps individuals break free from the constraints of their past experiences.


Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy healing technique where a practitioner channels healing energy through their hands to the patient without physical touch. Typically lasting an hour, this treatment promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and fosters a sense of overall well-being. By balancing the body’s energy systems, Reiki enhances physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
